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Continuous Improvement


This objective is about Active Humber being effective in our learning to drive continuous improvement in how we operate. Our actions focused on what we need to do internally and externally


1         Internal

After our successful Quest review in February 2021, we have spent this year implementing our Quest improvement plan. This has resulted us being seen as a high performing organisation from our funders and partners which is reflected in the high partners score, we achieved.


2        External

Our focus this year on external improvement with partners has been around disability and those with long-term health conditions (LTHC). We have held two events using the Appreciative inquiry methodology to bring partners together to engage in a strategic overview of the physical activity picture for people with a disability/LTHC across the Humber. Led by a critical friend, Mark Thornewill, who has led our quest assessments in the past, and supported by Graeme Sinnott from the Active Partnerships network.

The process and inquiry days focussed on how we as a partnership support this agenda and get that wider buy in from those voluntary/third sector organisations who work with these target audiences. A possibility statement has been produced. The process has been a great success and has identified several ways that as partners we can improve our offer across the Humber on disability and long-term health conditions.

Our second focus area has been around how we improve our impact measurement reporting based on what Sport England requires of Active Partnerships. Working with Graeme Sinnott from the Active Partnerships national team and colleagues from the Active Partnerships Network and Sport England we have made excellent progress which means for the 2022/23 we will have a much more effective process which truly helps us to measure, evaluate and learn.

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