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Sport England

Sport England

This objective is about how we manage our relationship with our key funder Sport England and our role within the Active Partnerships network.


The focus of this year has been the transition from the Sport England strategy of Towards an Active Nation to the new strategy of Uniting the Movement and how we prioritise our own work and work with partners. There has been a positive response Uniting the Movement. 


It has been an excellent year in delivering programmes and making an impact at a local level through the Tackling Inequalities Fund, Opening School Facilities fund, School Games, etc. as the local Humber community emerges from the pandemic.


During the year we also undertook as part of our Sport England funding agreement our 4-year Board evaluation audit as well as our 4-year External Finance audit. Both were given a high level of assurance. 


We also were asked to be involved in several Sport England working groups on how to get people more active.


At the Active Partnerships national team level, we played a leading role in several the working groups around, Climate Change, Race equality, Live Long Better and the future role of Active Partnerships.

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